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Died 6th century or 450 (sources are evenly split between the two dates); another feast on October 27. According to the late medieval legend, the sister of Saints Ercus (or Euny; f.d. October 31) and Herygh, Saint Ia, was a holy maiden who came from Ireland to Cornwall--sailing on a leaf that grew to accommodate her--and landed and settled at the mouth of the Hayle River where Saint Ives, formerly called Porth Ia, now stands. She is said to have crossed with Saints Fingar, Phiala, and other missionaries (f.d. December 14). In Cornwall she erected a cell where she lived the life of prayer and austerities. This version relates that Ia suffered martyrdom in Cornwall at the mouth of the Hayle River. Leland saw her "vita" at Saint Ives, which depicted her as a noble of Saint Barricus; a church was built at her request by Dinan, a great lord of Cornwall. Breton tradition makes her a convert of Saint Patrick, and says that she went to Armorica with 777 disciples, where she was martyred. She is the eponym of Plouye, near Carhaix. Do not confuse her with Saint Ives (f.d. April 24) of Saint Ives, Huntingdonshire (Attwater, Attwater2, Benedictines, Coulson, D'Arcy, Farmer, Montague, Moran).

Troparion of St Ia
Tone 5
Thy life and mission
were pleasing to God, most pious Ia,
for seeing thee left behind in Ireland,
He miraculously transported thee across the sea to Cornwall on a leaf.
Wherefore O Saint, pray to God for us
that we may never give way to despair
but ever trust in His great mercy.

Kontakion of St Ia
Tone 8
By a miracle, God showed that the first should be last and the last, first, O righteous Ia,
and therefore we look to thee as a symbol of Gospel truth,
ever praising thy illustrious memory.

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