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Died after 480. Bolcan was baptized by Saint Patrick, who sent him to study in Gaul. Patrick later consecrated him bishop of Derkan in northern Ireland. Bolcan's school there was one of the best equipped in the island. Another Saint Bolcan (Olcan of Kilmoyle) is venerated in the diocese of Elphin (Benedictines, Encyclopaedia).

Troparion of St Bolcan
Tone 7
As thou didst encourage the virtue of learning, wise Hierarch Bolcan,
teach us to have humility to follow our fathers in the Faith,
and not the ways of our own devising
that being faithful to Christ,
we may be found worthy of His great mercy.

Kontakion of St Bolcan
Tone 8
From thy lips pure streams of orthodox doctrine poured forth,
O most noble teacher and gracious Hierarch Bolcan.
Revering thy memory, we pray for grace to follow thee, profiting by thy righteous example.

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