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Died c. 686. Adalgis, an Irish monk and disciple of Saint Fursey (f.d.January 16), holds a place in the folklore of northern and eastern France. He settled with his brothers Saints Gobain (f.d. June 20) and Etto (f.d. July 10) in the forest of Thierache and became one of the apostles of Picardy. Venturing forth from their little cell, known as Cellula, they evangelized in the area around Arras and Laon. The village of Saint-Algis grew up around the small monastery he founded.

About 970, the Irish Abbot Forannan translated the relics of Saint Adalgis to the monastery church of Saint Michael in Thierache. (Benedictines, D'Arcy, Encyclopaedia, Fitzpatrick2, Gougaud, Kenney, O'Hanlon, Montague).

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