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Born in Ireland or Scotland; died at Fiesole, Tuscany, Italy, c.880. The story of St. Andrew is hard to determine with certitude. Some say that he was a pilgrim who became the abbot-restorer of San Martino Abbey in Mensula. Beyond that all we have is embellished legend. He is reputed to be an Irish travelling companion of Bishop Saint Donatus of Fiesole (f.d. October 22), who later became the bishop's archdeacon. Donatus was one of the many Irishmen who journeyed on the continent in the early Middle Ages. Nevertheless, Saint Andrew is included on the calendar, and has several churches dedicated to him (Attwater, Benedictines, Husenbeth, Montague).

Generally, he is portrayed as a deacon curing a paralytic girl. Sometimes he is shown (1) appearing to a sleeping priest; (2) with his sister St. Brigid miraculously transported to his death-bed by angels; or (3) with an Irish wolfhound at his feet (Roeder). He is venerated in the environs of Florence: Fiesole, Settignano, San Martino e Mensola (Roeder).

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