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Died c. 694. Sebbe, king of the East Saxons (Essex, Hertfordshire, and London) during the time of the Heptarchy, was the uncle of King Sighere who married Saint Osyth (f.d. October 7). He sustained Bishop Jaruman of Mercia in his evangelization of his people after the apostasy of Sighere. After reigning for 30 years (664-694), Sebbe retired to London where he lived as a hermit, known for his prayers, penance, and almsgiving. Saint Bede (f.d. May 26) gives an account of his dignified death. Sebbe was buried in Old Saint Paul's in London by the north wall. He is reputed to have built the first monastery at Westminster (Attwater, Benedictines, Encyclopaedia, Farmer).

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