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Died c. 600. Saint Oncho was an Irish pilgrim, poet, guardian of the Celtic traditions, and a collector of holy relics. While pursuing his search for memorials of the Irish saints he died at Clonmore monastery, then governed by Saint Maidoc, and his body was enshrined there together with the relics he had gathered (Benedictines).

Troparion of St Oncho
Tone 2
Thou didst teach us the value of relics, O Father Oncho, for thou didst spend thy earthly life collecting these precious aids to piety and devotion.
Pray to God for us, that in honouring what is precious to God,
we may be found worthy of His great mercy.

Kontakion of St Oncho
Tone 4
Following thine example, most Holy Oncho,
we pray for strength to defend all precious and holy things,
resisting to the end all attempts at desecration and sacrilege
by the agents of the godless,
that in all things glory may be given to Christ our God.

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