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6th century (?); in Cornwall he has feast days on February 9 and June 6; January 19 may be the day of the translation of his relics. Saint Branwallader was a Celtic or Welsh monk, who is said to have been a bishop in Jersey. It is believed that Branwallader worked with Saint Samson (f.d. July 28) in Cornwall and the Channel Islands, where he is remembered at Jersey in St. Brelade. He may also have travelled with Samson to Brittany in northern France. In the Exeter martyrology, Branwallader is described a the son of the Cornish king, Kenen.

King Athelstan, who founded Milton Abbey in Dorset, obtained some of the saint's relics (an arm or head) from Breton clerics fleeing Northmen and translated them to Milton Abbey in 935. William Worcestre claimed that the body itself was at Branston, Devon, and Leland referred to a chapel of St. Breward near Seaton.

The cultus of Saint Branwallader has been strong at least from the 10th century, when his name could be found in litanies. His feast was kept at Winchester, Exeter, and Cornwall. In Brittany, he has sometimes been confused with Saint Brendan (f.d. May 16) and Saint Brannock (f.d. January 7) (Benedictines, Farmer).

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